CNM Course Accreditations
Natural therapies such as Nutrition, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Homeopathy are in the UK, like in many other countries, voluntarily regulated.
All CNM courses are accredited by the leading professional associations in the UK, Europe and internationally.
Here in The Netherlands our courses are accredited by KNTO. This allows our Netherlands based graduates to join professional bodies here in The Netherlands.
CNM is dedicated to training successful and qualified practitioners. For more information, or to receive a prospectus, please use our contact form, call +44 7748 118980, or email
CNM Graduation
Dutch Accreditation
CNM’s Naturopathic Nutrition Diploma is accredited by the KTNO (Kwaliteit en Toetsing Natuurgerichte Opleidingen). KTNO is an online platform for quality assurance of professional colleges, training courses and modules in the private education industry, with a broad experience in complementary healthcare.
Graduates are eligible to join the following professional bodies in the Netherlands:
De Vereniging ter Bevordering van Alternatieve Geneeswijze (VBAG) was founded in 1984 and is the biggest professional body within the complementary healthcare industry. For more information, please click here to be redirected to their website.
Belangen Associatie Therapeut en Consument (BATC) was founded in 1998. For more information, please click here to be redirected to their website.
De Landelijke Vereniging Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeuten (LVNG). For more information, please click here to be redirected to their website.
International Recognition
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College of Naturopathic Medicine holds UK Accreditation from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities) with Premier Status for for its commendable Areas of Operation.
ASIC Accreditation is a leading, globally recognised quality standard in international education. Institutions undergo an impartial and independent external assessment process to confirm their provision meets rigorous internationally accepted standards, covering the whole spectrum of its administration, governance, and educational offering. Achieving ASIC Accreditation demonstrates to students and stakeholders that an institution is a high-quality education provider that delivers safe and rewarding educational experiences and is committed to continuous improvement throughout its operation. About ASIC: One of the largest international accreditation agencies operating in 70+ countries, ASIC is recognised in the UK by UKVI – UK Visas and Immigration (part of the Home Office of the UK Government), is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Accredited and is a Full Member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation), a member of the International Schools Association (ISA), and an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network). |
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Erfahrungs Medizinisches Register (Switzerland)
CNM Graduates of the following CNM Diploma courses are eligible to apply for EMR membership: |
Please note that there is no such thing as ‘internationally accredited’. Each country has its own accreditation, especially in the field of Natural Therapies, also regulations change from time to time. It cannot be guaranteed that the information below is correct at all times.
CNM focuses on having its courses recognised by relevant associations in the UK and Ireland. Thanks to CNM’s contacts in Europe and internationally, CNM has official accreditation in a number of countries throughout the world, making graduates eligible to practice in many countries.
United Kingdom and Ireland
All CNM diploma courses are accredited in United Kingdom and Ireland. Graduates are eligible to join the General Naturopathic Council, Association of Naturopathic Practitioners, Naturopathic Nutrition Association, The Association of Master Herbalists, Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and The Homeopathic Medical Association.
CNM’s Nutrition Diploma is officially accredited in Sweden by the Swedish Association NMTF.
Everybody who wants to practice Natural Therapies in Germany must take an exam set by a Government body. Once you have passed this exam you are allowed to call yourself a “Heilpraktiker” (Natural Health Practitioner). No matter if you practice Nutrition, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine or Acupuncture, the exam is the same for everybody.
CNM has obtained a decree from the Italian Ministry of Education who have authorised that CNM Graduates in Naturopathy, Nutrition, and Nutraceuticals-Flower Therapy are eligible to practice in Italy within the legal framework.
CNM graduates in Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy are eligible to practice in Cyprus.
CNM graduates in Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy are eligible to practice in Greece.
CNM’s Nutrition Diploma is accredited in Finland.
CNM courses in Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy are accredited in Switzerland.
CNM Nutrition Diploma is accredited by NNH (The Norwegian Association of Natural Medicine) in Norway.
NB: graduates will need to take an additional VEKS-fag course which covers laws, structure of health care etc in Norway before they can become members of the NNH.
Our Nutrition and Herbal Medicine graduates are eligible to practice throughout North America. The CNM Nutrition course is accredited by the 2 leading Associations. Herbal students are eligible to join the leading herbal association and practice within the legal frame work.
The CNM Nutrition Course is accredited in Canada, allowing Graduates to practice throughout Canada once they have a valid work permit.